Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What a Wednesday!

Wednesdays are pretty easy days for us.  Tarja got busy right away on  Melody and I went to the store and got stuff that she wanted to use to make brunch for us. I also found a fun Elmo book for writing practice and some Elmo flashcards to use for Ivana. Melody made spinach and mushroom pizza with Alfredo sauce for me and for herself, and a pepperoni pizza for the spinach haters.  How can you not love spinach????  Tarja got to help put the pepperoni on the pizza and then worked out of her new Elmo workbook while the pizza baked.  Abbey worked on her stuff and then Ivana played on (keep in mind that she's 22 months old).  I dropped Melody off at work, came home and made this:
then dropped Tarja, Abbey and Ivana off at a friend's birthday party.
While they were at the birthday party, I gave a private lesson for a new Sparkler member.  As soon as I got everybody home from the party, I received an order for an emergency Minion hat for a Halloween costume.  I got that finished up in less than an hour, cause I'm the Minion Making Mama.
Now, let's see how quickly I can put together a Halloween party on a budget, a Thanksgiving food basket project for my Girl Scout troop, complete a fairly large crochet order that is wanted almost immediately, and get ready for one, possibly two twirling performances within this next week and a half.  RUNNNN!!!!!!

Have a Great Day!
Laurel Santiago

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