Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas in January?

Thanksgiving and Christmas are over. This was actually the easiest Christmas that I, as a mother, have had in my entire adult life. Inspired by a very dear friend, and being tired of having holidays that did not live up to my own expectations, I waged war and started my holiday preparations during the summer months. After it was all over for 2010, I looked around the remnants of the season, and realized, that I can do even better.

Today, I went to a Christmas clearance sale at one of my favorite stores, and filled up my backseat with Christmas decorations. I got wreaths, table accessories, outdoor decor, lighted decorations, wrapping paper and more. People mumbled behind in me the check out line that I was smart, but that they were tired of Christmas. I imagine that they were tired of the holiday frenzy that I will never again endure. After the cashier finished ringing up all of my purchases, the grand total was $7.00. How could I have been so silly in previous years when I waited at the last minute, fought the shopping crowds, and struggled to manage our usual household expenses? Now, in the middle of January, I only need to purchase and make gifts for the next Christmas. Amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Finally made it over. :)

    Be sure to check out Rudolph Club. I posted about it on Countdown to Christmas. :)

    LOVE YA!
