Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Princess Tarja and Preschool

Tarja is so excited to have her very own school work to do. Since she is three years old, we have to keep everything light and simple. We picked up a workbook that is a comprehensive preschool curriculum that should for two years. The section that she is using right now is about color. Yesterday, she did the red pages, and today she had yellow.

I took white index cards, and a red marker to make sight word flash cards. We do actually have store bought flash cards for this effort, but I have learned that the red lettering works best for babies, and toddlers. We are doing five new words per week.

The real challenge is trying to get her to spend as much time outdoors as the Charlotte Mason method advises. It's still over a hundred degrees in the afternoon, but we took advantage of the cooler window of opportunity right after breakfast, and then went to the park after supper and stayed until it was too dark to play anymore. I was a little bit worried that the addition of playground equipment in the park would stifle the independent nature study, but before I knew it, she and all of the other children that were playing in the park were having a great time with a friendly old dog that came to love on everybody. Although domesticated, the dog is still a part of nature.

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