I have been a member of Pssst..., which is a pretty neat way to get to preview some General Mills products. For our homeschooling, couponing, breakfasting pleasure, they are going to start having comic books in specially marked packages of cereal. I'm sure that this will be loved around my house.
The new princesses is 27 weeks along as of today.
A dear friend and fellow homeschooler recently blessed us with a large container of colloidal silver that she made herself. WOW! It is currently clearing up a bad case of acne, and my hair looks like it has been colored, because there are fewer and fewer grays, and the condition of it is unbelievable. Princess Abbey had a bad cough a few days ago, and because she has asthma, her coughs normally last all Fall and Winter. After a couple of doses of colloidal silver, she is no longer coughing. Princess Melody will get to have some when she gets back from the orthodontist today. All of these benefits have been enjoyed in less than a week.
On the homeschooling front, we have been using Grandma Moses for our artist study for this term, and Beethoveen for our composer study. Grandma Moses is kind of refreshing after all of the heavy duty stuff that we have explored during the first term of this year. We also read a biography of Galileo, part of Tales from Shakespeare (which we will continue, but the library would only recheck it to us so many times), and are now exploring Archimedes. Princess Melody is in the middle of her first college English course, and our parent taught driver's education course at the same time. I don't know about her, but I definitely feel challenged.
Since my last post, I have added crochet ruffles to baby and toddler socks, and have made sweaters for Princess Melody and the baby. I am currently working on a sweater for myself, and have been clipping coupons like a crazy woman. Friends have been giving me lots of coupons for diapers and other goodies. I even found a couple of coupons for drop ins liners, which are one of my favorite must have baby items.
Sounds like you are doing great, lady! Good job on on the crochet items.... they are lovely!