Monday, October 29, 2012

This morning, I got up and gathered some last minute Avon orders from friends, and put in the order for my first campaign.  It was a successful first campaign, so I am very happy.  Hopefully, I have a bright future with Avon, because it is a great opportunity for moms.

Since it's been well over five years since I sold Avon, placing my order took most of the morning.  Next time won't be so hard.  After I got all finished with that, we dropped off our broken wii at the nearest UPS station to be returned to Nintendo for repair, then we met with our homeschooled Girl Scout troop at the new pet store, that is in the center of town.  The ladies that own the pet store had no warning that eight princesses and three queens were coming to call, but they acted like they were thrilled to have us.  They even let us take pictures with them, which I can't seem to get out of my phone and onto the computer at the moment.  Sigh......

When we got home, Princess Abbey and Princess Melody planned our lunch with the rule that we were not going to the grocery store or through a fast food window to buy anything.  They decided on ramen noodles, drained, with chicken, cheese and mushroom soup to make a casserole of sorts.  We DID have to go buy the mushroom soup, but that only costs about 65 cents per can at the dollar store, so I think that we followed the rules pretty well.  We played the same game for supper.  What will we make for supper by not having to go buy anything?  The girls decided on jook, which is an oriental rice soup (probably a peasant meal) that calls for a small amount of rice, small amount of meat, and is left to cook so long that the rice turns it into a creamy, satisfying meal.  I suggested that we go ahead and buy some white rice, since all we have on hand is brown, but they immediately said that we should follow the rules and use the brown rice.  So, that's a bit of home economics, and everything turned out perfectly.

Princess Melody went to a friend's house to watch Bollywood movies.  Princess Abbey did quite a lot of her school work by herself, as I am currently too hoarse to read to her.  I don't feel sick, but I can't talk very well.  Later, Abbey went to her archery lesson, and then everybody got back together for some jook.   Now, I am working on and the girls are watching Halloween movies (the fun kind, not the scary kind) on TV. 

Have a Great Day!
Laurel Santiago

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