Anyway, my family and I officially got back into the swing of things today......sort of.
I started out with the little morning ritual that Princess Ivana and I have for watching Blue's Clues on Netflix for about an hour until the other Princesses wake up. Sometimes, she and I have to go around and wake everybody up, but not until the second episode of Blue's Clues is over.
As soon as I got dressed, I started cleaning the kitchen, but got sidetracked trying to make some phone calls to the Girl Scout council. I am the cookie dummy.......I mean COOKIE SERVICE UNIT MANAGER for our local unit. Isn't that funny? This job of just trying to get logged into the cookie managing system was an off and on job all day.
While the girls ate breakfast, I read from the book, The Prayer of Jabez for the girls' fresh, new Bible study for this term. It isn't the book that was on the list for this term, but it's a book that I read and liked, so I want to read it out loud to the girls.
It started snowing heavily. This means that our Sparklers twirling and dance practices had to be cancelled and our flag corps sign ups had to be postponed. Tarja was not happy. She tried to convince me all day long that we could still have practice, but we have teachers coming from out of town that would not have been safe on the road. This launched about an hour of texting and facebooking mothers to let them know. I was doing this at the same time as talking to a lady from the Girl Scout council about our cookie mess.....I mean stuff.
Somewhere along the lines, I managed to get Tarja on time4learning to do her reading practice. Abbey volunteered at the local animal shelter and groomed two poodles. Melody worked on her art history course, then made some beautiful jewelry with the kit that she got for Christmas.
Dinner almost didn't happen, but I finally managed to create a wonderful, low carb dinner of stuffed chicken breasts, pork chops and broccoli. It was so amazing that even our parrot danced while she ate her dinner. That's a nice compliment.
Melody and I watched an Andrea Bocelli concert DVD that she got for Christmas while Abbey watched wrestling.
So, here is one of my goals for the new year, and I will try to post a new one each day for at least the rest of the month.
Goal #1
To get through the Girl Scout cookie sale with everything sold, collected, accounted for and turned in on time. It's harder than you think, but I have done it before and I can do it again.
Have a Great Day!
Laurel Santiago
I really have no idea how you get everything done in a day that you do! :)