Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Fun

We have a little children's group at church, and I got the blessing of being able to choose the song that they sang for Easter Sunday. "Celebrate Jesus Celebrate" was the most obvious choice, because it's my favorite, AND it's about the resurrection.

My brother in law's family stayed the weekend, and we had barbeque two days in a row. My favorite!

I taught my brother in law's wife how to make tie dyed eggs They are so easy to do, and when you peel the eggs, the whites are just as pretty as the outside shells were. Our deviled eggs were beautiful.

On both Saturday and Sunday, we took the kids to the park so that they could expend some of their energy. It worked like a charm, because no child had to be asked to go to bed at a decent hour, and the Easter bunny was generous.

Of course, I have to leave this holiday with a little bit of coupon spice. I always give my children something for Easter. This Easter, they received a whole bunch of Snickers eggs that were free from recent Walgreens/coupon deals. At HEB, I bought Tarja a neat wheelbarrow. With the purchase of the wheelbarrow, I got free plastic eggs (which I filled with pennies), free Easter grass, a pretty stuffed lamb, and a chocolate bunny. I bought food coloring instead of an egg decorating kit, because food coloring can be used all year for different projects, whereas the Easter egg kit would be trash after the holiday. My guests helped with meat for the BBQ, and the side dishes and snacks all came from my ever growing stockpile. As careful as I have always tried to be with money, I believe that this holiday can go down as one of my most successful, because of all of the fun that we had, and the little expense that it took to make it great.

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