Around 3a.m. my hubs and I had a conversation this morning, that was quite sad. The conversation was about how his job is nearing an end. The reasons that it is ending don't make any sense at all, but as we have been learning in recent Bible studies, God doesn't do things in the way that we would do them, and therefore some things that have come down directly from God just don't make sense to our human minds.
I went on a short couponing trip this morning. At Dollar General, I scored four Dawn dish washing liquids for 75 cents each. At Lowe's grocery store, I got two packages of Hormel Little Sizzlers for 45 cents each, and paid $3.00 for two bottles of Sprayaway glass cleaner (which is one of Hub's favorite products). I also picked up two packages of tin foil that were marked for 79 cents, and it turns out that the sale on that was over, but someone forgot to take down the sign, so I was still cheerfully given the sale price. When the mail arrived, I got a Parents magazine that contained several coupons, and a booklet from Home Made Simple that had a coupon on every page for things that I love such as the Magic Eraser. HOotie hoo!
Princess Abbey is nursing a hand that she hurt at softball practice yesterday. Tarja is napping after a torrential temper tantrum over having to the surrender the computer for Abbey's school work. Princess Melody busied herself with more of her beautiful artwork, and is now sitting next to me with her studies.
On the homeschool front, we decided to do our history and literature first. For now, and for the next few weeks, we are reading a book about all of the men that signed the Declaration of Independence, and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Abbey is finishing up her 6th grade math course, Tarja is learning her ABC's, and Melody is reviewing all of her material as hard as she can. Spring fever is setting in. The Princesses would rather play outside with their dog and daydream than work, but in the words of a great teacher and friend, "We press on...".
See you tomorrow!
Laurel Santiago
This is a hard time of year for schooling.... I agree. It's a hard time of year for me to send them, as I would rather we ALL play outside with the dog and daydream. :-)