Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Race to Graduation Begins

If you have been reading previous posts, you will remember that Melody has graduated high school at age 16, and we are saving the celebration until her college graduation in a few more years.

This means that Abbey has four years to do the exact same thing. The race to graduate Princess Abbey is on! Hootie hoo!!!! Now, you will all think that I am a total meanie, but in order to make this happen without a great deal of stress is to cut Summer vacation short. That doesn't mean that the kids don't get to swim and hang out with friends, but we still have lessons. Due to circumstances that were beyond my control, we have not had any formal lessons for about a month. That's a pretty good vacation for a homeschooler, especially since I give them all of December for Christmas.

Tomorrow starts the first week of Abbey's four year race to graduation. Here is her list of things to do for the week. If you want to follow along, I will continue to post these weekly for your benefit. These lessons are based on the Year 6 (actually 7th grade) curriculum from Ambleside.
Week 1 Assignments:
Bible: Genesis Lesson I: Creation
*The Nineteenth Amendment Grants Women the Right to Vote.
*Archaeologists Uncover King Tut's Tomb
*Charles Lindburgh Sails Over the Atlantic.
*The Story of Mankind: Chapter 66
*Read a book of your choice.
*Story of David Livingstone: 1 Chapter
*School of the Woods: chapter 1
*It Couldn't Just Happen by Lawrence Richards
*Secrets of the Universe by Paul Fleisher
*Albert Einsten and the Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik
*Math (I
Poetry of Robert Frost: copy first poem for notebook.
Age of Fable: Chapter 29: Return of Ulysses
Romeo and Juliet: begin reading
Our Young Folks' Plutarch: begin reading
The Hobbit: forward and chapter 1
Keep working on Youth Heritage project

*These lessons will also include math, nature study, copywork, art, composer studies, art studies, and more. If it sounds like a lot, it is, but these lessons must be tweaked or modified to meet the needs of the individual child.

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